I decided that I need to move the story along a little more quickly, so there are six pages today. The ink is Colorverse Dark Energy — one perfectly suited for this installation.
I decided that I need to move the story along a little more quickly, so there are six pages today. The ink is Colorverse Dark Energy — one perfectly suited for this installation.
Robert Oster Opal Grey
Colorverse Valles Marineris
Colorverse Dust Storm
I have been having connectivity problems, mostly in my brain. Today I re-learned three things:
And a note on today’s ink, Coloverse Shrodinger. Note that yesterday’s ink was Cat. The two inks are sold as a set. Pretty clever. Oh: and there was no radioactive material in the box.
Coloverse Cat (Glistening)
Colorverse Redshift
Colorverse Martian
Van Dieman’s Eucalyptus Regnans